Friday, November 27, 2009

Public School Teach-in

   “Service is the rent you pay for the space you take up on earth.”

I consider it important for Christians to reach out and give back to the community where God has planted us. Actually, I think everyone should find some way to serve their community. I can't do that as much as I'd like to during this season of my life, but I enjoyed such an opportunity on a recent day off.

On Friday November 20, I served as an "Honorary Teacher"  for approx. 180 first graders in  Seminole County Public Schools Teach-In 2009, a part of American Education Week. After showing African artifacts including the Cote d’Ivoire flag and mentioning my October 2007 trip there during three 30-minute sessions, I shared two African folktales plus five other stories, several being classics. Students were involved via puppets, props, and group participation. Stories were chosen that illustrate a character topic. (In parentheses are scripture I have in past or might use if presenting these stories in a church/Christian school class. Hopefully this can be helpful to children's workers.)

It Takes a Village, Jane Cowan-Fletcher - TEAMWORK  (1 Cor. 3:6)  Based on African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child."

“How Spider Got His Thin Middle,” Small World Celebrations, Jean Warren GREED (Proverbs 15:27)

The Chick and the Duckling, Mirra Ginsburg - DON’T COPY ALL BEHAVIOR  (Romans 12:12a NLT)

Hurry Granny Annie. Arlene Alda - Appreciation of NATURE   (Psalm 65:8)

The Little Red Hen, [RIGHT pic] Paul Galdone - WORK ETHIC  (Proverbs 12:14)

My Friend and I. Lisa Jahn-Clough. – SHARING   (Hebrews 13:16)

“The Tortoise and the Hare,” [LEFT pic] Aesop’s Fables - PATIENCE / PERSERVERANCE   (Ecclesiastes 7: 8)
From First Grade teacher, D.M.:
"I truly thought it went very well. It was definitely age appropriate and the stories were excellent. The students really enjoyed the interaction and they seemed to really like the stories. We got lots of good feedback from the students and teachers. Thanks again so much for everything."

Thursday, November 26, 2009


"Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.

Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.

Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.

Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.

Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself."
                       Author: Unknown

It has been a quiet day at home, resting to recover from a flare-up of bronchitis that has hindered my functioning on and off for several weeks. With a low-grade fever last night with the flare-up (no fever before), I knew I had to heed one doctor’s instruction to stay home away from people and rest, despite dinner invitation. I’m not alone - four co-workers have had/are having respiratory issues this month, but I must recoup from mine and that calls for rest. Psalm 37:7 tells us to “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.”

A different (juice fast till 5 p.m., then I put a whole bulb of garlic into one box of stovetop dressing) Thanksgiving day as a couch potato, but a blessed one. It was blessed by phone calls from family and friends, time in prayer, Bible reading, and extra time to thank God for my many blessings, and extra needed sleep. Among those blessings, I thank God for the encouragement and support of family and friends, the many new friends / ministry colleagues met along this new journey in missions, and for the precious promises given to us, like Romans 8:28 “In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  This is the day the Lord has made...I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Faithful Friends Nursing Home Ministry

It was my blessing to be the September Drawing Winner of Faithful Friends Nursing Home Ministry whose mission is to encourage and equip Christians who minister to the confined elderly.

As the September Drawing Winner, I received: "Song for Grandmother" Ministering to the Elderly DVD/Book set , the book "Nursing Home Ministry - Where Hidden Treasures Are Found", and Living With Purpose in a Worn Out Body Devotional. Signed up for newsletter, "In the Garden with Jesus and Friends" was included. I am also grateful for a copy of NIV Seniors Devotional Bible, Our Hymn Book for Seniors CD and booklet, and Christian Christmas Carols booklet.

I was asked to share a little about my involvement with nursing home ministry, which is posted @ Kay Watts Nursing Home Ministry. I shared my Guidelines for Nursing Home Outreach, developed from 12 years of taking children to nursing homes. The pic above (approx. 7 years ago) is typical  - children playing balloon volleyball while my sidekick "Grandma Gracie" shakes hands and greets residents, following children lip sync of puppets to Christian songs and hymn sing-along with rhythm instruments.  

I look forward to sharing these resources with others involved in ministry with the confined elderly, plus also use them to fine-tune and enhance my nursing home ministry which is rather limited during this season of my life.
11/18 Update: The resources have been passed on to a lady who feels very much called to follow in the footsteps of her father's visitation ministry, and has begun that journey with plans to include her granddaughter. I pray God's blessings on visitation ministry of Marsha and Melanie.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Village View Community Church, Summerfield FL

I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Ministry Fair at Village View Community Church in Summerfield FL ( October 31 - November 1. This outreach / missions event showcased various church ministries and area service opportunities, plus several international ministries invited participation and support. This is truly an Acts 1:8 church.  IMHO, the multifaceted witnessing and serving to meet so many kinds of needs helps explain a part of why God has blessed this church with such mushrooming growth.

It was my privilege to share with the "World Missions" class an overview of Church of God Ministries Global Missions history and strategy in addition to my "Journey Back to Cote d'Ivoire" presentation. I appreciate receiving a copy of their class book, World Missions Today, What You Should Know About Global Ministries, Evangelical Training Association,

Great weekend of fellowship. Outstanding sermon by Pastor Marty Shea, "Love Is Not Easily Angered" - How Do You Tame Your Temper? I enjoyed reconnecting with several former fellow seminarians and their spouses. It was a delight getting acquainted Pastor Keith and Shannon Stepp, Community Outreach and Missions who are committed to helping Village View find and use strategic methods of reaching out to their communities and the world. Thank you for your generous hospitality. Thanks to Gene Gossman, Wycliffe Associates, for the photo.