Wednesday, August 29, 2012

ICC: Open or Closed Hands and Heart?

There were many poignant moments and experiences during our Intercultural Communications Course. ICC staff member Jack Henderson gave these instructions:

           Everyone stand up. Put your hands out straight before you and clench your fingers tight - like you are on water skis behind a fast moving boat...keep them clenched.

          That is the way we are so often with the plans for our future... we know what it is going to be like and when it is going to happen and what we are going to be doing and no one, no one has the right to change it.

Now open your hands and turn them with your palms up... this is the way of freedom…as we willing, eagerly accept His will for how  He wants to use us, mold and make us – through whom ever He wishes to place over us …..for God is sovereign.

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