Sunday, September 2, 2012

ICC: "Stones of Remembrance"

A precious  and powerful part of the Intercultural Communications Course was the "Stones of Remembrance" session following the awarding of our course completion certificates.

Instructions: "Prepare to share at Stones of Remembrance: Select a rock/stone. Write a verse or words that illustrate something special and/or insightful you have learned or experienced during ICC." 

Easy for me to decide - I chose a scripture verse that jumped off the pages to my heart during my 3-hour personal retreat - 
2 Timothy 1:7 -  For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. (NIV)  I believe that God gave me this verse to help me go the last stretch of partnership development to 100% annual budget pledged, to finish pruning 59 years of accumulated stuff, to learn basic French, to get to Cameroon and to be able to stay there for 5-10+ years of fruitful service with good strong health.

Half of the participants shared the verse or words we had written on our stone, explained their significance, then placed our stone on the cloth around a Bible. We stood in a circle several feet away from the Bible and stones of remembrance; the other participants and staff moved around the circle, as they felt led they put a hand on our shoulder and softly prayed for us, our ministry assignment, the words we had shared, etc.  The other half of the participants followed the same procedure, then the staff each shared their remembrance stone and we prayed for them.  ( A lot of tissues got used by a number of people.)  I will always cherish this special time with these wonderful people of kindred heart.

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