Thursday, January 31, 2013

4th Week Includes Two Visits

Mark Lambert discusses the many support services such as residence permit
(Carte Organismes), Visas, Driver's license, Cell phone SIM cards, Housing,
Monthly Financial Reports, Shipping and more
My fourth week in Cameroon, January 27-February 2, and the 3rd week of the CAMBO orientation class includes  .

-Sunday With Yaounde friends -  see "Yaounde Friends - Church & Overnight Visits";
Yaounde Friends Debrief; Water Filters and Lamps; Visiti to Aviation Dept.; Solar/Bucket Shower; Missionary Kids and Third Culture Kids; MKs - Parent's Perspective; Preparation for Village Visit; Admin. - Support Services; Cultural Data Notebook and Village Assignments; Contingency Plans; Head to Bamenda Friday; stay overnight at guesthouse; Bamenda to Bambalang village 

Thursday for lunch together we had "fufu and njamajama" and were told not to use any utensils - the traditional way to eat this typical Cameroon food. Think grits (consistency of dough) and greens. Break off ball of fufu, press thumb into center to make a handle-less spoon, scoop up the greens, and bon appetit!

Please pray for health and safety of the group as we travel to Bambalang to experience village life. Pray also that we may be a blessing to our hosts and village residents. I expect to be offline Friday, Feb. 1 -- Thursday, Feb. 7.

This week I received my   Carte Organismes  - Cameroon resident card, good for two years before renewal is necessary.

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