Wednesday, January 16, 2013


This first partial week from Tuesday 1/8-12/13, I THANK God:

-for a safe trip from Orlando FL to Washington DC to Brussels, Belgium, to Daoula, Cameroon, to my new home city of Yaounde, Cameroon, and for all my luggage arriving with me. 

-that new colleague, Kindergarten teacher Marnie Rekman was seated immediately in front of me on the stint from DC to Brussels, for opportunity to chat on that stretch. I had prayed that we would locate each other and have a chance to get acquainted.

-for going away gift wooden foot massage roller that helped improve leg circulation. It works! My two seatmates found it helpful also.

-for meeting and having breakfast with veteran missionaries at the Brussels airport on the way to Cameroon… surgeon Dr. Steve Sparks who heads Mbingo Baptist Hospital and wife Suzanne and sons; young couple (she a pediatrician & he an internist) working  at same hospital via Samaritan’s Purse, and Jane Schmitz, Baptist Church planter missionary. Fun to meet and learn from others serving in the country.

-that Jane stuck with me through checkpoints/customs knowing I had forgotten to bring my yellow immunizations card. I had a copy of the immunizations card pulled up on my desktop but not acceptable, had to buy a yellow fever shot on the spot. Jane’s fluent French, presence, knowledge of this airport were much appreciated.

-for French vocabulary learning game on individual passenger TV on long flight from Washington to Brussels. Fun way to practice!

-for familiar faces and welcomes the night of arrival from friends/fellow trainees from International Childhood Education Orientation in Dallas -  Carrie Edwards and Kirsty Taylor

-for start-up grocery kit waiting in my kitchen, thanks to my school principal Mary Santos
getting intro to library computer system from Deanna Anderson (L) following tour from principal Mary Santos (R)

-for Field Education System orientation Thursday and Friday, including tour of Educational Resource Center that I will manage, overview of  library computer system, and an FES/Co-op staff meeting 
-for six meals provided in homes, one brought in after arrival, and one in the city after church Sunday by veteran missionaries/families – wonderful fellowship and delicious food.

-for inspiring stories of how God led folks from various countries, diverse talents, church and career backgrounds to involvement in the process of bringing God’s Word to  those who don’t have it in their mother tongue. Seeing awesome teamwork.

-for three ceiling fans in my apartment

-for finding a French version of Nutello this past weekend…yum! 

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