Sunday, April 16, 2017

Spring Break Ministry Trip to San Jose, Mindoro

An email went out February 5 inviting to Faith International Academy staff inviting us to consider a "possible mission teaching trip during spring break." Fifth grade and middle school teacher Ruth Graybill and I were the ones who went this time. So very glad I did.

The primary goal was to help children from the Mangyan language group with their English.

Ruth and I stayed in the new home of Kermit and Raquel Titrud. Kermit has spent 40 years translating the Bible into a number of languages. Recently they have opened a school for the Mangyan children.

After our arrival in San Jose on the island of Mindoro, we spent time with the children and staff in the home of Kermit and Raquel - telling stories, singing with them, and listening to the children sing. Kermit asked Ruth and me to share about our childhoods...took me some concentration to remember.

Several of my stories were about rabbits..."Powder Puff" and mothering
of baby wild rabbits whose nests were accidentally broken up.
 Just happened to have brought a rabbit for story dramatization.

I had my puppet David sing his fav song - "This Is the
Day the Lord Has Made." The children clapped along.
The children then sang  "This Is the Day" in Hebrew
and their native 
Mangyan. David clapped along.

To break up the children's sitting, I led us in the song and
actions for "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" 
at various speeds,

Many of my hours were spent having students read aloud 
 and helping with the vocabulary meanings.
I was asked to review student notebooks, did some spelling 
and punctuation corrections on student notebooks.
Papercut object lesson based on Philippians 4:13 - 
"I can do all this through him who gives me 
strength." First  I cut a "T" 
out of center of a piece
 of computer paper.
With some careful cutting, I was able to  get
14 children with me inside of the hole
 I cut in the computer paper. 

Papercut object lesson of a pilot's wheel with Psalms 32:8 -
 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
 I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." 
. There is a cross in each handle to emphasize turning
to Christ for guidance in big and small decisions.

Teaching the students how to do "Jesus Loves Me" in sign Language.


Sunday was designated "Children's Day" at Bethany Evangelical Missionary Church on the same compound as the school. I was asked to share with children during the morning worship service. 

Children were asked to squawk to help my bird lay an egg. 
Grace Flores (pastor's wife) translated for me. 
Inside the plastic egg was a slip of of paper with the
 memory verse for the day.

I asked a student to read the memory verse
 which tells how Jesus grew as a child and how 
He wants children to grow today - Luke 2:52.-
Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in 
favor with God and man.

David and the children sang "This Is the Day the Lord Has Made" in English. It was also shared in Hebrew and in Mangyan.
One students was asked to squeeze the contents of a tube of toothpaste
into a ziplock bag. Another was asked to put the toothpaste back into the  tube...
not possible like we really can't to take our words back once they are spoken. 
He who holds his tongue is wise. Proverbs 10:19
 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be
 acceptable in your sight. Psalm 19:14

Introducing a tortoise and a hare.

Children dramatized "The Tortoise and the Hare" fable to
Ecclesiastes 7: 8 - "Finishing is
better than starting. Patience is better than pride." 


The common mode of family transportation in San Jose. The parking lot of the restaurant three of us ate at during a shopping trip in town was lined out tricycles such as this -  a cab on a motorcycle. 

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