Sunday, July 20, 2008

Journey Invitation: Missionary Call Rekindled

You've got mail

A life changing email arrived February 21, 2007 from previous seminary classmate Kay Critser. I had hosted Sherman and Kay Critser, Global Missions Africa Regional Coordinators, in my condo several years earlier when they spoke at my church’s weekend mission’s conference.

Subject: recruiting to missions

… I came across your business card today! …it came into my view and immediately when I read MASTER OF LIBRARY SCIENCE AND MASTER OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, I said to myself, YES!

Here goes the situation here in Ivory Coast In January, we began our Bible institute, which consists of two modules in two weeks every other month. ... We are still in the starting up stage. One area where we are really behind is in setting up the library. Of course, all the books are in French, but the library method is the same I believe. Also, we could use your expertise in Christian Education.

So, Kay, would you please consider joining us in Ivory Coast (Côte d'Ivoire) as a Special Assignment Missionary (1 - 2 years) with the option of becoming a Career missionary? If neither of the two options pleases you, we could still use your expertise even in a two week,
month, two months, etc. as you wish. Should you be interested after much prayer, for we do desire the will of the Father, drop us a line letting us know what you think.

WOW! This email indeed called for “MUCH PRAYER!” I confess there were a number of “Yes, BUT’s” …the biggest being I know French) but scriptures and many supports enabled me to take this humongous step of obedience out my comfort zone.

That email led to planning for “Operation IBAO LIBRARY” - my name for the opportunity to aid in the development of a library that helps train and equip church leaders to fulfill the Great Commission – “…make disciples of all nations… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20). [IBOA = French acronym for West Africa Bible Institute]

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