Sunday, July 20, 2008

October 2007: Library – West African Bible Institute

My primary responsibilities in Côte d'Ivoire during October 2007 were providing assistance in the initial setup and cataloguing of library materials for the newly formed West Africa Bible Institute. Approximately 95% of the books there were in French, and with limited time I was asked to focus on just the French ones. What did that involve?

First task was to enter each book not already recorded in a master register log book (top pic above) and stamp books in several places.

Second a Dewey Decimal Subject Classification number for each title was determined. There are several Dewey Decimal versions; I was inclined to use a recent version, but ended up using a Dewey list adapted for theological libraries by a librarian missionary, Martina in Burkina Faso (country north of Ivory Coast).

Third, I entered data for each book into French cataloging software Papyrus 2000...with help of my laptop French-English dictionary and sometimes clarification from Sherman & Kay Critser. Data included author, title, publisher, date of publication, number of pages, condition of book, ISBN #, registration/accession number, copy or volume number if appropriate, and Dewey Decimal subject number, often entering a new one from the adapted list.

Fourth, came preparation of spine labels, checkout card/pocket labels, and old fashioned card catalog cards …printing done by Sherman Critser (I thank God for his computer expertise and patience!) Phone calls and emails with Martina and two consultation visits from Denise, an Australian missionary part-time librarian in Côte d'Ivoire enabled this project to be accomplished. God is faithful to supply necessary assistance.

It was a race against the clock. During my last week there, three Yamoussoukro church members came over to help with applying card pockets, labels, entered more books while Kay C. & I covered paperbacks with plastic laminate (see 2nd pic).

The process did not go smoothly and quickly, but neither is life smooth. It took Sherman literally hours to figure out a way to print old-fashioned card catalog cards from the modern Papyrus software via MS Word mail merge & Excel. There were a multitude of computer difficulties. An older computer intended for IBAO did not survive repeated reinstallations and downloading fixes from Internet. Constant double checking all my French typing for spelling and adding French punctuation marks was tedious.

I appreciated my Kay C.’s question one day when my energy was waning, "Is what you're doing going to make a difference for eternity?" I said "Yes!". She asked "How so?" I went back to statement in my brochure that library materials will help train and equip church leaders to fulfill the Great Commission – "…make disciples of all nations… and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:19-20). Helpful to keep tedious work in perspective. I shudder to think what my ministry over the years would have been without many resources! There is a shortage of French ministry resources and books in general.

My basic "John the Baptist" mission of 'preparing the way' for Denise to teach basic research skills in a November Bible Institute course – was accomplished with 80 books fully cataloged. 103 more books are pocketed and stamped; all IBAO library books to my knowledge are recorded in the log. I was rather disappointed I did not get more books done, but I was told the Christian Education seminar was important. The software plus printing of labels and cards was figured out and foundation laid for continued processing of resources, which took place following my departure.

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